Hi Lovelies,
My last newsletter to you was back in NOVEMBER. And in that newsletter, I said this:
“Later this week, I’ll have one piece of news I can share and I CANNOT WAIT. But I have too. Trust me, it’ll be worth it.”
I. Am. Sorry!
Apparently, I could wait. And wait, and wait, and wait.
I could bore you with excuses, but let’s just say… #thanks2020.
Here’s me begging for your forgiveness.

But, hey, the wait was worth it right?! Because I can now share with you….THESE PRETTIES!! *drumroll*

I love the new covers for Song of Destiny and Song of Wings (and I really hope you do too!), and I can’t wait to show you the cover for Song of Curses, coming out in the next few months! I have more news coming soon, so stay tuned! (But hopefully, I’ll be a little quicker about it this time around!) To Good Books and Living From Joy, Kris |