A Ghost is Flushing Our Toilets
We’ve been learning a lot about owning an older home. Every home has its quirks, and this one has them in abundance.
Let me set the scene for you…
We’ve been learning a lot about owning an older home. Every home has its quirks, and this one has them in abundance.
Let me set the scene for you…
Melpomene, Muse of Singing, walked through the marble halls of her home set into the side of Mount Helicon. Walked past her favorite childhood hiding spot. The one none of her other eight Muse sisters had ever discovered. On the inner side of every hall, every room, the wall was carved rock. And full of …
I’m unraveling the Siren knot today at www.readerlicious.com. Check out some cool pictures of Sirens and Mermaids, and a Siren Family Tree to guide you through the tangle of Greek Mythology! Readerlicious.com is a site made by writers who love readers. Find your reading niche in our short stories, articles, and guest author interviews! The …